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The Gateway project's progression is marked by several milestones to ensure its smooth and successful implementation. The roadmap is comprised of the following phases:

  1. Research and Development: During this phase, the team will concentrate on researching optimal methods for enabling deterministic code execution and validation through on-chain transactions. Additionally, they will identify potential challenges and solutions for integrating web2 applications and components into the Archway platform.
  2. Proof of Concept: The team will create a proof of concept to demonstrate the Gateway project's feasibility, showcasing deterministic code execution and validation, as well as the integration and rewarding of web2 applications within the Archway ecosystem.
  3. Beta Release: Following the successful testing of the proof of concept, the team will release a beta version of the Gateway project, inviting select developers to build, test, and provide feedback on the platform.
  4. Launch: Once the beta testing phase is complete and necessary improvements have been incorporated, the Gateway project will launch on the Archway mainnet, making the platform accessible to developers worldwide.
  5. Continuous Improvement and Expansion: The team will continuously work to improve and expand the Gateway project, integrating new features, optimizing the platform, and fostering partnerships to enhance the ecosystem.